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About KWR Engineering
Through a quest for innovation and a desire to go faster, two mates decided that investing their time and effort in developing a range of after market accessories was worth it - resulting in the birth of KWR Engineering.
Glenn and John have decades of RC racing experience between them across both on-road and off-road. This experience has allowed them to understand where the potential gains may be and develop tuning options to unlock them.
At the end of the day, RC racing is all about having fun!
Our mission is to create quality products which add a measurable performance benefit to the racer at the lowest possible cost - and that are available to everyone not just the top drivers.

The KWR Engineering Race Team
The KWR Engineering Race Team is constantly testing our new products to make sure they perform exactly as designed. We are also privileged to partner with RC Maker, one of the most innovative brands in RC, and are constantly working on new ideas to stay one step ahead of the competition.
Don' take our word for it, ask the team to demonstrate the products and talk to you about their personal experiences with them. They are there to help you.
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KWR Setup Helper →

GLA Giulia →